Once Joy Is Your Constant Companion, Life Just Breezes Through You

By - Vishal
08.31.23 12:42 PM
Joy is not a goal by itself. But it is a background milieu that is needed for any aspect of your life to happen wonderfully. Whether you eat, dance, sing, love, live or die, if it isn’t there as a backdrop, you will have to drag your way through life. But once joy is your constant companion, life just breezes through you. Sadhguru

Joy is not a goal by itself. But it is a background milieu that is needed for any aspect of your life to happen wonderfully. 

Whether you eat, dance, sing, love, live or die, if it isn’t there as a backdrop, you will have to drag your way through life. 

But once joy is your constant companion, life just breezes through you.

