
Blog tagged as #Faith

Drop Yesterdays Baggage and Give Today a Chance!
If you carry yesterday with you, your today becomes very heavy - you can neither float nor fly. Sadhguru
04.07.24 09:35 AM - Comment(s)
Let go. Why do you cling to pain? 
Let go. Why do you cling to pain? There is nothing you can do about the wrongs of yesterday. It is not yours to judge. Why hold on to the very thing which keeps you from hope and love? Lee Buscaglia
03.28.24 01:02 PM - Comment(s)
No Amount of Guilt or Anxiety Helps!
When thinking about life remember this: no amount of guilt can solve the past and no amount of anxiety can change the future.
03.19.24 05:38 PM - Comment(s)
Fall Asleep With Nothing But Love And Forgiveness In Your Heart
Fall Asleep With Nothing But Love And Forgiveness In Your Heart. What's Meant For You Will Be For You Tomorrow And The Day After. Trust Your Journey. Rest Your Soul.
02.17.24 01:31 PM - Comment(s)
You Are A Precious Human Life
Today I Am Fortunate To Have Woken Up, I Am Alive. I Have A Precious Human Life, I Am Not Going To Waste It. Dalai Lama XIV
02.06.24 10:57 PM - Comment(s)